I’m coming up on two years of blogging in less than two weeks, which is hard to believe. I’ve learned and grown so much throughout blogging and even though I sometimes struggle with writer’s block, I really value having this space to talk about what’s on my mind or share what healthy recipe I’ve been cooking up. And I really appreciate YOU for reading!
A food blogger I love, Mel, does a series of “recipes the world forgot,” sharing some of her favorite recipes that don’t get much attention these days. I thought it’d be fun to do something similar of “posts the world forgot,” because while posts like this peanut butter energy bites recipe or college girl’s guide to couponing still get hundreds of views per day, other posts I love that I wrote long ago have faded into Internet oblivion.
My Running Story
I personally love stories, which is probably why I love reading and writing blogs so much. The story of how I started running makes me smile whenever I read it.
Like a lot of things I do every day, it’s easy to just go through the motions of daily running without thinking about why I do it or how much it means to me, so I think mentally returning to the very beginning reminds me how much I love it, and how much I benefit from it. Running both gives me a sense of peace and satisfies my competitive side, even if I’m just competing with myself.
Why We Gotta Be So Mean [to Ourselves]?
I remember being so nervous to publish this because I opened up about some insecurities. I posted it in December of 2014 after about two months of blogging and got such a positive response. In addition to probably more comments than I’d ever seen on one of my posts, I received several texts, Facebook messages, and emails from friends and acquaintances who read it and identified with something I wrote. Opening up in blog posts is still something I have a hard time doing but I like this post even a couple of years later because I worked up the nerve to do it.
Wacky Search Terms that Led People to Healthy Liv
You probably don’t need me to tell you that the Internet is a weird place. I always get a kick out of some of the random search terms that lead people to the blog. I wrote this post a little over a year ago, so I’m probably due for another one sometime soon because the Internet has only getting weirder.
What Really Small Things Make You Happy?
I think finding joy in little things is something kids naturally do really well and hopefully, I’ll be able to hold onto that part of being a kid forever. Just reading this list makes me happy!
How to (Not) Train for a 10-Miler
I remember being a little nervous before I published this post last spring because I shared a little bit about letting go of some perfectionist tendencies, and I wasn’t totally sure how the post would come across. But the amount of support I received from both the blogging community and friends was so encouraging. Several friends, runners and non-runners alike, told me they could relate, and again, I was so glad I shared it.
Visiting Indonesia, Week 1 & 2
This one may be a little self indulgent, but I personally love reading going back and reading travel posts. Details from trips usually run together in my mind, but one of the great things about blogging is that it helps me remember lots of details about things that happen, like accidentally eating a painfully hot peppers or going to movie theaters with beds instead of chairs.
Perfect Pie Class at Sur La Table + Pie-Making Tips
Taking this pie-making class with my mom was such a fun time. We’ll have to put our new knowledge to the test this Thanksgiving!
So tell me…
If you’re a blogger, what’s a favorite post you’ve written?
What are your favorite types of posts to read?
Alison @ Daily Moves and Grooves says
Ahh happy two year blog anniversary, Liv!! This is a great way to look back and celebrate this awesome blog that you have. I am so grateful to have “met” you through blogging. You are such a positive, joyful, talented woman, and you are so humble to boot! Can’t wait to continue following your journey 🙂
Liv says
Alison, you’re so sweet! I’ve enjoyed following along with your study abroad adventures.
Sarah @ BucketListTummy says
Love this idea, it really is fun looking back at some of our old posts. I can really see how much has changed in just a year of blogging. My favorite types of posts to read are the personal ones, particularly day in the lifes!
Liv says
Same here!
Sarah says
Happy anniversary girl! I remember following along on your Indonesia adventures, what an incredible opportunity!
Liv says
Wow so fun that you’ve been reading since way back then! 🙂
Ellen @ My Uncommon Everyday says
Happy blogiversary! So happy to have met you in this crazy lil blog world 🙂 Loved rereading some of your older posts!
Liv says
I’m so happy to have met you, too, Ellen! Your posts always make me think we’d enjoy hanging out IRL 🙂
Emily says
I love that you shared these posts; I remember your Indonesia trip ones, and I would love to read your running post at the beginning too. Thank you for sharing these re-cap. I truly love connecting with and learning more about other blogger’s journeys.
Liv says
Thanks for the kind words, Emily!
Edye says
I had no idea you visited Indonesia! That’s so cool 🙂 I’d love to visit there someday.
Liv says
It was a really cool place to visit! We stayed in the more congested city of Jakarta but I’ve heard Bali has beautiful beaches and is a more popular tourist destination.
Kristy from Southern In Law says
I just went back and read a bunch of these posts as I’d never seen them and they’re all so great!
I often find that some of my favourite recipes don’t get the attention they deserve, haha! 😉
Liv says
Thanks, Kristy- so glad you enjoyed reading them! And isn’t it funny how that happens?
masala girl says
i love love your running story post! this is a creative idea 🙂
Liv says
Thanks, girl! That was an especially fun post for me to write and still one I love re-reading 🙂
Stephanie says
Awesome, it is so important to look back and remind us/yourself of your favorite posts! They kinda get lost on blogs and it’s nice to find posts like these that make us go back into your blogging timeline 🙂
Liv says
Right? After a year or two of blogging, it’s amazing how many posts have built up and how many I’d totally forgotten about myself!
Megan says
Loved reading your running story! Those photos are too adorable!
Liv says
Haha thank you, Megan!