I’ve been all over the board with healthy eating over the years. I’ve gone from being too “health conscious” for much of high school (and consequently, underweight), to giving myself a lot of freedom and gaining some necessary weight during my freshman year of college, to gaining a bit of unnecessary weight during my sophomore year.
Now in my junior year of college, I feel like I’ve found a good balance and am at a healthy weight that feels good without being restrictive at all.
I think eating habits are such a personal thing, and what works for me may not necessarily work for you. I typically eat a pretty good amount–lots of veggies, whole grains, and mostly unprocessed foods–and then indulge in dessert on special occasions or when I’m offered something that’s too good to pass up, maybe a couple of times per week.
In case you’re interested, here are a few of my favorite healthy eating tips and habits I’ve heard from other people ranging from my mom to my high school cross country coach. These tips are the ones that have stuck with me and work well for me to maintain a healthy weight and eat in a way that makes me feel good:
1. Eat substantial meals
When I eat really small meals, I find myself not feeling satisfied and wanting to snack an hour later. If my entire meal is a two-egg omelet, I’ll probably find myself digging into a jar of almond butter within the hour.
Eating real meals has been more challenging for me in college since I cook all of my own food and snack food can be tempting since it doesn’t require any prep work. On a busy day, it’s easy to graze on an apple + a handful of almonds + a Larabar + a Greek yogurt over the course of an afternoon and call it lunch, but it’s not really satisfying and I’ll probably still be hungry after all of that, even though that’d be a pretty significant amount of calories (and sugar).
This Mexican quinoa is one of my recent favorite college “real meals” because it’s SO easy
So, I remind myself that real food is much better fuel than just snack food, even healthy snack food, and I try to prioritize time to make it.
I’m not knocking snacks, but I think eating real meals is typically more nutritious and more satisfying for the majority of my eating. And then I can use snacks to fill in the gaps, not to actually act as meals.
2. Drink a lot of water- at least half of your body weight in ounces each day
Sometimes, when we feel hungry, we’re actually just thirsty. I have a glass water bottle that I fill up constantly throughout the day. I’ve heard you need to drink at least half of your body weight in ounces throughout the day, plus extra to account for exercising/sweat.
So if you weigh 120, you need at least 60 ounces of water per day, plus more for exercising.
I used to consciously think about how many ounces of water I needed to drink but now, I just keep filling my water up throughout the day every time it’s empty, which usually ends up being around 80 to 100 ounces each day.
3. Make treats more about the experience than the food itself.
If I’m craving ice cream, I’ll get some and invite a friend over to share it with me and send the rest of the pint home with them. If I’m craving cookies, I’ll bring a lot of them to a friend after I bake them. Food’s more fun for me when I enjoy it with other people, so most of the time, if I’m eating sweets, I’m doing it with other people.
Also, when I’m having a major sugar craving at night, I’ll sometimes enjoy a few dried figs– super sweet and so good!
4. Treat veggies as freebies
I don’t count calories or overthink how much I eat. I have a big appetite, though, so I do try to be a bit conscious of portion sizes when I’m eating more calorie-dense foods. This includes healthier foods like rice or nuts, or less healthy foods like brownies. But in my book, veggies are absolute “freebies” when it comes to portions. They’re full of nutrients and fiber, low in calories, and filling. I’ll load my plate up with salad, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.
The only veggies I’m somewhat conscious of portions are potatoes (and maybe avocado), because I could easily inhale 2 giant sweet potatoes in one sitting, especially if they’re topped with some almond butter. I try to keep it to just one big sweet potato at a time 😉
sweet potato breakfast bowl with almond butter
5. Brush my teeth when I’m done with my last meal
I think this tip originally came from my mom. I try to eat a fairly big, filling dinner so I don’t have to snack a lot after dinner. If I finish dinner and know I’ll need a snack later, I’ll just brush my teeth after my snack and then keep doing whatever I’m doing till it’s time for me to go to bed.
For example, I’ll sometimes eat dinner around 6 pm and then have to stay up till 1 am for my RA job. On those nights, I’ll definitely need an after-dinner snack, so I’ll brush my teeth right after my snack. Bonus: it’s one less step I have to do at 1 am when it’s time to get ready for bed.
6. Pop a stick of gum/mint in between meals
I think a key part of health and wellness is seeking balance through mindful eating, although I’m definitely a boredom eater. I don’t eat much when I’m stressed, but I usually feel like eating more when I’m studying or sometimes even when I’m sitting in a long class.
When I’m not actually hungry, though, and am really just in the mood to snack, I usually pop in a stick of gum. Chewing a piece of minty gum gives me something to do while I study and helps minimize mindless snacking throughout the day.
I don’t even feel like snacking after I chew gum because I know it’ll make the fresh minty taste go away.
So, those are a few of my favorite tips and healthy eating habits I’ve picked up from people in my life. They’re all simple things, but they add up to make a big difference!
Tell me…
What’s a healthy eating tip or habit you’ve picked up from someone in your life?
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Eating full meals has been a big one for me! I tried the whole lots of little meals, but never felt fully satisfied, which led to overeating!
Yep, same here! Lots of tiny meals just equal more snacking for me.
These are all so balanced and so good Liv; I love that they all include overall health and don’t focus on calories or cutting out certain food groups. I totally agree that substantial meals really help with not being super hungry when it comes to snack time, and I do like to drink enough water in between, so I’m well hydrated too. These were all good reminders for me! Gum is a little bit hard for me, because I think the aspartame does something odd to my stomach, but I still like it sometimes…
Also, I’m curious, where did you learn most of these healthy living tips; your parents, other bloggers, or just experience? 🙂
You know, that’s a great question! I think it’s a combination of all of those.
I’ve heard several of these from my mom (definitely the toothbrushing, gum, and the drinking water ones). I’ve had a few coaches also mention the drinking water tip.
I’ve heard lots of people say eating substantial meals is more satisfying and viewing food as an experience is also more satisfying, and definitely can confirm both from my own experiences.
For the “veggies as freebies” one, Emily from Daily Garnish wrote a post about green light, yellow light, and red light foods YEARS ago and the idea of veggies as “green light” foods has stuck with me since!
This post is so helpful and I love how balanced this way of eating. Not being restrictive, but just aware of what, when, and how we are truly eating….it is so much more than just food.
Emily, when we chew food we stimulate specific digestive enzymes, when we chew gum we still stimulate those enzymes yet our body is not receiving food. This can cause bloating and digestive upset. Just a quick tip for anyone who was curious.
Thanks so much for weighing in, Leah!!
This helps SO MUCH! I’ve recently become more conscious about my eating habits and I’ve realized that in at least my case, it’s more mind over matter. I love snacking like you do, but I do it too often and I usually go for the most convenient snacks–junk food. But instead of snacking because I’m hungry, I ended up snacking because I was bored. So I’ve been trying to become more aware of why I want to eat what I want to eat. When I can distinguish whether I’m actually craving a bag of Doritos or I’m craving something to fill my stomach, it makes it easier to choose the healthier option to eat an apple or even to just drink water.
I really like your tips of more substantial meals and treating veggies as “freebies”. I think that’s what I was missing in my previous attempts to eat healthy. I assumed that I could easily adjust to eating small portions but a day or two in, I’d either increase my snacking or forego my healthy eating and binge on fast food.
I’m rambling but these tips really help make healthy eating a more approachable goal!
I’m so glad you found this post helpful, Lauren! I really enjoyed reading your take on some of these tips. I agree that really small meal portions aren’t the way to go when it comes to healthy eating or even weight loss! Focusing on eating filling, really satisfying meals with whole foods (and just keeping an eye on calorie density of your portions) seems like the best bet.
I so appreciate your transparency in your health journey. So often, people shy away form talking about the ebb and flow of it all, but everyone goes through it, I think. My favorite “healthy” eating tip is from my time in Spain: savor the meal. Don’t rush through it. Take your time and eat with others. Make the meal a time to gather and converse.
I love that tip that you picked up in Spain! How very European, right? 😉 And I think you’re right- some ebbs and flows are very normal, especially since health is a lifelong journey!
We just finished the Double Dunker gallon tonight – it was so so good! Even as a dietitian, I enjoy ice cream multiple times throughout the week. Loved your tips!
No way! I still love that ice cream so much and I buy it to eat with friends/my residents sometimes (I’m an RA) because I love introducing other people to it!
I ALWAYS need something in my mouth or else I get bored. THAT is my motto – hahahahaha! Which is why, I definitely pop some gum in my mouth when it’s not meal time!
Orbit gum has always been a favorite of mine. Their “bubble mint” is heavenly! 😀
I love that one!
I think my best health tip is to remember that it’s not black and white! Healthy living is all about balance – not rules and guilt!
i totally do so many of these myself! i often find that on days i’m out and don’t bring a bottle of water with me, i’m sooo hungry. i always have to convince myself that its dehydration, not ACTUAL hunger! and yes to going crazy with veggies. if you can’t go crazy on veggies, then what CAN you go crazy on.
“If you can’t go crazy on veggies, then what CAN you go crazy on?” Haha I love it!
These are great tips, Liv! I have definitely appreciated larger meals for keeping satiated and chewing gum just to occupy my mouth (that sounds really weird, but it’s true) when I’m stressed. Also, those dried figs in your last picture are THE BEST. Have those in my fridge right now 🙂
Dried figs are my favorite sweet treat for when I don’t really need “real” dessert but my sweet tooth kicks in after a meal, anyway!
LOVE THIS especially #1. I recently was finding myself snacking on bars, nut butter, fruit, granola and not eat quality meals with protein and veggies. I’ve been making a conscious effort to eat complete MEALS at breakfast, lunch and dinner and already feel less bloated and like I have more energy!
Awesome, I’m so glad you’ve had such good results from making that switch!
my favorite is the veggies as freebies! 🙂
if i wanted a night time snack in high school i’d have a big veggie plate- crunchy and filling but not too dense. the toughest thing about college as an underclassmen is not having access to fresh vegetables! 🙁 because i replaced them with fruits and nuts and other snacks and over time, that added up haha.
When I was an underclassman without a meal plan and without a car on campus, I definitely had a harder time getting in as many servings of fruits and vegetables, too. I definitely miss the days when those magically appeared in the fridge 😉
I’ve been working on making meals more substantial myself. I’ve realized that a lot of my snacking was simply because I wasn’t having enough variety at meal times! Solid meals go far.
So true! I love my snacks and really like eating between meals so it was a strange thing for me to realize that I actually needed to eat more at meals to actually feel satisfied.
Love these tips – especially the one about making sure to eat full meals! In addition yo being hungry later on in the day, mentally this makes me think I haven’t had enough to eat, thus leading to more unnecessary snacking.
Same here! If I eat a tiny meal, I mentally know I haven’t had enough food so there’s a good chance I’ll end up overcompensating with snacks later on.
Being hygienic is next to healthiness.
I’m with you on the gum chewing tip! I do that all the time. I also make sure to drink a ton of water, otherwise I wind up thinking I’m hungry when I’m really just thirsty. I’m kind of the opposite in terms of meal sizes – I do better with smaller meals and snacks in between & it’s what usually works best for me. As you mentioned, eating is such a individualized thing!
Great tips! Personally, I prefer small meals spread throughout the day rather than 3 big ones. It just made me less hungry and less prone to cravings since I’m pretty much filled. I tried chewing gum in between meals before but honestly, it just made me feel more hungry as I felt like I was filled with air lol
As far as I’m concerned, small meals are more helpful for our health. They will keep us balanced without feeling starving or full. From now on, we should take care of our bodies and have good eating habits.
Hello Olivia,
Great informative post over here 🙂
Haha!!! Really i to feel the same, when i took small meals to my diet. It always makes me hunger to my kitchen and i seek some food from it. Its very hard to control on it and its not good for health. Your concept in very ideal and logical.
Lots of helpful tips that you have advice to us, i feel these tips are so amazing and wonderful to follow. And yes water is the main sources of of body. Thanku for sharing with us.
Aman Kumar.
Than you so much for sharing valuable info about healthy eating tips. This will be helpful to every person. Many people don’t know healthy eating tips.
i am very happy.. very nice site..i like it.thanks
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You have highlighted some very important points regarding healthy life especially brushing teeth and drinking enough water.i really enjoyed reading your article. Keep up tye great work.
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I learned a lot from your website. I think others will also benefit a lot.
Thanks to you for your article.
It’s really a helpful article for me because you are so much informative and helpful for a redder and this 6 favorite healthy eating tips is so much important for health.
keep up the good posting, Liv Bane
Thanks Liv, I’ve been on the healthy weight side for a while but lately i am not pleased with my weight. This tips will definitely help me get back on the “Safe Zone”
Thanks once again Liv.
Great tips! Personally, I prefer small meals spread throughout the day rather than 3 big ones. It just made me less hungry and less prone to cravings since I’m pretty much filled. I tried chewing gum in between meals before but honestly, it just made me feel more hungry as I felt like I was filled with air lol
Great collection of tips for health. Drinking enough water is always good thing for health but I face some problem in this matter. Whenever I drink water more, I have to go loo again and again. Please help in this matter.
Incredible tips! Actually, I incline toward little dinners spread for the duration of the day instead of 3 major ones. It simply made me less eager and less inclined to yearnings since I’m essentially filled. I had a go at biting gum in the middle of suppers previously yet truly, it simply made me feel increasingly ravenous as I had an inclination that I was loaded up with air lol
Love these tips – especially the one about making sure to eat full meals! In addition yo being hungry later on in the day, mentally this makes me think I haven’t had enough to eat, thus leading to more unnecessary snacking.
I would add the following tips for eating well:
Base your meals on starchy foods.
Eat lots of fruit and veg.
Eat more fish.
Cut down on saturated fat and sugar.
Try to eat less salt – not more than 6g a day.*
Get active and try to be a healthy weight.
Drink plenty of water.
Don’t skip breakfast.
I find it cool when you said that a person can keep themselves healthy by splitting one’s treats, such as ice cream, with a friend. With that in mind, my suggestion for friends who workout in gyms together is to order from a meal delivery service their post-gym meal. Doing this will help keep their energy up for the rest of the day.
These are some really nice tips i have been a yoga instructor for last decade and i can surely say that these tips would help many people start a healthy lifestyle.
I have this habit of brushing my teeth after dinner, since childhood. It helps me keep check of not only my oral health but also my eating habit at night. However, it’s my eating habit during the day that I’m worried about. I’m fond of snacks between meals. I think your chewing gum idea might help. Gonna try. Thanks!
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