Before I started blogging, I was a blog reader, and I still am! As a reader, one of my favorite types of posts are day in the life posts. I think it takes a certain type of person to enjoy reading those (my dad doesn’t understand them at all), but personally, I love hearing about the details of people’s lives. Nosy? Probably. But I also love seeing things like how other people fit in their workouts, how they cook and meal prep, and just how they spend their time in general.
So, I decided to do a day in the life post for this unique short season (3 weeks) in my life of full-time LSAT prep. Like I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, I’m only working at my internship part-time until I take the LSAT next week, so on days that I’m not working, I’m studying. I have a lot of flexibility in my study days and I get to sleep a bit later than when I go to my internship and wake up around 6:30, which is great, but I also can’t wait to be done with studying! So, here’s a recent day in the life.
7:45 I wake up naturally, which is the best feeling. I love waking up with no alarm, and these past couple of weeks have been the first time I’ve done that in…years? I get dressed, wash my face, put in my contacts, and make up my bed
8:00 I head downstairs for breakfast. I rarely eat breakfast right when I wake up since I typically work out first thing in the mornings and I like working out on a mostly empty stomach, but I’m waiting to go to the gym until mid-morning today for one of my favorite group fitness classes.
While my oatmeal’s in the microwave, I drink about 25 ounces of water. I’ve noticed that I don’t drink as much water when I’m living at home, so I’ve been trying to drink a ton right when I wake up to get my day started on the right foot, unless I’m about to go run, and then I’ll drink a lot right after.I add powdered peanut butter (from Costco) & collagen peptides to my oatmeal, along with unsweetened almond milk.
8:15 I head back upstairs for my quiet time and then I start putting together a recipe blog post for next week
9:00 I take Gracie for a walk before it gets too hot outside
9:20 Drive to the gym with my mom for our favorite kickboxing class. It’s always a great workout and the instructor is so much fun. She also looks just like Sandra Bullock and I’m convinced she could be her younger sister.
10:30 Run home from the gym after the class ends. We live less than a mile from the gym and I like running there and back, but didn’t have quite enough time to run there since I was on a walk with Gracie.
10:45 Shower, get ready for the day, cut up a pineapple and snack on that, and then work on something internship-related
12:30 Eat lunch. One of my favorite things about these days is being able to make and eat lunch at home since there are a lot more things I can make at home than I can pack in my lunchbox, plus I don’t have to plan ahead!
I make a veggie & cheese omelet with salsa and avocado, and had some berries on the side.
1:30 Eat a random banana and leave to drive to the library. I’ve been alternating studying at the library and at my house and I like doing a mix of both so I don’t get too tired of either spot.
On this day, I do a full-length practice test, so I time myself and put away my phone, computer, etc. so I won’t have any distractions. The practice test takes a little over 3 hours, and then I check my answers and review the ones I missed.
I’ve gotten to the point where I’m ready to just take the dang test! I have that “ready as I’ll ever be” feeling, and I’m ready to put studying behind me for the summer. The general rule of thumb is that GPA counts for about 60% of your application and your LSAT score is the other 40%, so it’s definitely worth putting the effort in to study a lot for the test. But it’ll be fun to regain a social life and just relax at nights instead of studying/working!
I brought snacks to the library in case I got hungry, which I did. I packed half of a homemade peanut butter chocolate chip Larabar, a square of dark chocolate, and a handful of salted peanuts. Can you tell what my favorite combo is? 😉6:00 I finish LSAT prep for now, and to take a little mental break, I start typing up this post.
6:45 Leave the library
7:00 Arrive home just in time for dinner. Some nights, I help make dinner but my parents took care of it tonight.
They made big salads with grilled fajita chicken, tomatoes, carrots, and cucumber, and we top them with sautéed bell peppers & onions, guacamole, cheese, and guacamole. Fajita salads are one of my favorite classic Bane family dinners. We have steamed broccoli on the side.
8:00 Finish up dinner and help clean up. Most nights, I study for a few more hours after dinner, but I’m feeling mentally wiped today, so I finish writing this blog post while watching the NBA Finals with my parents (i.e. hanging out in the same room while blogging).
Then, I switch to editing pictures from photographing my first wedding this past weekend. Here’s a sneak peek of the moment when the groom got to hold his bride in his arms! His face ????
Around 9:00, I have a few bites of Ben & Jerry’s non-dairy chocolate fudge brownie ice cream, plus half of a double chocolate muffin heated in the microwave. I made a batch of those muffins a little while ago and froze the leftovers. They have sprouted spelt flour, coconut oil, and honey as a sweetener and they’re really good! I was planning to share the recipe on the blog, but they weren’t quite perfect so I didn’t end up sharing them.
My parents are both doing a sugar-free, Paleo-type of eating plan so for my first couple of weeks at home, I wasn’t having ice cream or anything like that. I realized I really missed my few times per week dessert ritual, though, and as long as I’m not going crazy on the portions, I think having dessert every couple of days is perfectly healthy. So, I picked up a pint of Ben & Jerry’s a few days ago. I’m such an ice cream girl that just knowing this is in the freezer makes me happy!
10:40 Lights out
The rest of my days this week will be a lot like this day, although I’m looking forward to a few fun things coming up, like going to a friend’s house for a cookout on Thursday night. After I take the LSAT on Monday, I’ll start doing my internship full-time on Wednesday!
Hope this was fun to read! In case you’re interested, here are some other day in the life posts I’ve done in the past:
A Day in the Life: Beginning of Junior Year
48 Hours in the Life: Sophomore Year
So tell me…
Honest thoughts on day in the life posts?
What’s one of your favorite desserts these days?
Good luck on the LSAT, I’m sure you’ll do great!
Thanks so much, Maureen!!
Not many days to go before the LSAT. Keep up the good work.
Thanks, Gee! I’ll take all of the encouragement I can get!
I LOVE day in the life posts. Please do more!! An omelette sounds delicious for lunch!
So glad to hear that you enjoy these types of posts, too!
Best of luck on the LSAT! I love seeing these kinds of posts, I know it can be a little nosy but I’m always curious about other bloggers’ lives!
Kendal // Life With Kendal
Awesome, I’m so glad you like these types of posts, too! And thanks for the good wishes!
You’re going to do great on that test!!
That omelette looks so good.
Also- the non-dairy ben and jerry’s are the best!
Thanks, Alyssa! I’ve only tried two (chocolate brownie and also peanut butter & cookie) and was impressed by how creamy both were, especially since they use almond milk!
Good luck on the LSAT! This brings me back to studying for my boards, which I secretly actually enjoyed, but I definitely can relate to your feeling about reaching the point of being ready to just take it and be finished! All the best!
Haha! There have been times that I haven’t minded or might even have even enjoyed studying for the LSAT, but I think I’m past that point now! Thanks for the good wishes!
Good luck!! And I spotted Vital Proteins! MY FAVE!!!
Yes! Love thise collagen peptides!
I absolutely love day in the life posts. That’s so cool that you and your mom went to a workout class together. 🙂 I love working out with my mama. 🙂 Also, your omelet is really perfect. 🙂 Last but not least, I hope your test goes really well.
So fun that you and your mom work out together, too! And thanks for the good luck wishes for the LSAT!
You’ll do great on the test, it sounds like you are prepared! That’s how I felt before the RD test too – days before, I was just like, “lets get this over already!”
Yes!! I’m so ready to get it done! And thanks so much, Sarah!
Ahh good luck on the LSAT!! Thanks for giving us a peek into your day! I am a fan of day in the life posts as well 🙂
Good for you for eating ice cream as you crave it. There’s always room for it in a healthy lifestyle!
I always enjoy your day in the life style posts, too! And oh my goodness, your recent post about that ice cream event sounded incredible!!
Good luck on the LSAT girl! I’m sure you’ll do an incredible job since you’re putting so much prep work into it all!
Thanks so much, Kristy! I think it went well today and I appreciate all of the good wishes!
I love reading day-in-the-life posts! And a (belated) congrats on finishing the LSAT! That must feel incredible to finally be done.
Also, LOVE those wedding pictures! Like, seriously, can I hire you to be my wedding photographer? 😛 You did a really amazing job with the lighting and I love how unposed and real–and happy–the bride and groom look!
Wow, thanks so much Claire! You know I would LOVE to be your photographer 🙂 I hope wedding planning is going well!