I’ve been in a bit of running rut for the past few weeks. This whole semester, I just ran whatever I felt like each day– no races scheduled (except for an unexpected half marathon a couple months ago), and no training plan, which was a great break from structured running…for a while.
For the past month or so, I just hadn’t been feeling it as much. I had a few great runs here and there, but overall, my legs were tired and I think I was starting to get a little bored with no structure and not mixing up my runs enough. I usually love doing long runs, but I didn’t even have the desire to do one.
I set out for a run, planning on 5-6 miles, and was loving it so much that I ended up doing 10 easy-paced miles. I felt like my running self again!
I was giddy! I’m pretty sure I was running with a ridiculous grin on my face the whole time, like this.
Anyone who happened to see me during the run probably thought I’d lost it, but actually, I got “it”–my running mojo– back! I always love running, but like a lot of things in life, my running goes through seasons of great and… not quite as great. Finally feeling the desire to run long distances again is really exciting.
So, how’d I get out of my running rut?
-During the conference I went to last week, I cross-trained on the elliptical every day to give my legs and my brain a break from running.
-I’ve been stretching and foam rolling every day to get rid of some of the tightness I’d been feeling.
-I made a rockin’ new playlist, which always makes running more fun. You can click the titles to listen to the songs!
Uptown Funk- Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars
Welcome to New York- Taylor Swift
Luck- American Authors
Keep Your Eyes Open- NEEDTOBREATHE
Don’t Tell ‘Em- Jeremih
Latch- Disclosure ft. Sam Smith
Mirrors- Justin Timberlake
Bailando- Enrique Iglesias
Blank Space- Taylor Swift (Now that I realized the lyrics are “Got a long list of ex-lovers” instead of “Starbucks lovers,” the song makes a lot more sense.)
Fireball- Pitbull (Disclaimer: I actually think Pitbull is super creepy, but his songs are great for running! And now that I think about it, I could just visualize him running behind me…I’d definitely run faster 😉 )
I think I’ll start looking into a race or two to train for because I’m ready to have a running goal again! Alright, I’m off for a run, then the dentist (wah), and then I’m driving back to school. Hope you have a great day!
Questions for you:
Did you watch the Bachelor last night? Do you usually watch it? Thoughts?
I only watched the first part of it, but I mighttt finish it later. Every season, I tell myself that will be the season I stop watching it, but then I don’t. It’s so fun to talk about with friends.
Do you ever get stuck in workout ruts?
Any songs you’ve been loving recently?
Glad you found your mojo again! That’s the best feeling when it’s back. I need to check out some of the songs on your playlist! I actually saw NEEDTOBREATHE and Taylor Swift together a few years ago when they opened up for her and sang Something Beautiful- love that song. I always mix up and think lyrics are something other than what they actually are. It took me years to figure out it was “Parson Brown” in the Winter Wonderland song and not “parce and brown” ha 🙂
I love Something Beautiful! Hahaha “parce and brown” is too funny!
WHOOO! So awesome that you got your mojo back and rocked 10 easy miles! BTW awesome easy mile pace!!!
Thanks, Kristina!! Don’t you love that feeling after a really awesome run? 🙂
Sometimes you need a little break from long runs to get your love for it back. Whenever I’m in a rut I try to do other cross training like spin, hiking, walking or strength training. And theres nothing like a new running playlist to get me excited to head out for a run 🙂
Hiking is such a fun way to cross train!
Um thank you for explaining that it’s not STARBUCKS LOVERS. I never thought that made sense.
And it’s not really good for running but anything by Sam Smith!
I thought it was Starbucks lovers for the longest time! Like, I guess a couple that hangs out in Starbucks a lot? Haha!
Getting your running mojo back is seriously the best feeling ever!!!
Haha I thought it was Starbucks lovers at first too. I know the right lyrics but I still sing it as Starbucks lovers.
It still sounds like Starbucks lovers to me, even when I know what the right lyrics are!
I do exactly what you did when I lose my running mojo. Sometimes just a mental break can work wonders. And an awesome playlist…thanks for the song suggestions 🙂
I think you’re right, Emily– the mental aspect of running is huge, so it makes sense that our minds need a break from it, too, sometimes!
Definitely thought Taylor Swift said starbucks lovers as well 🙂 Glad I’m not the only one!
I’m pretty sure that’s what all of us thought haha! I’ve even seen “Starbucks lovers” memes out now.
I’ve been in a running rut for… the last 3 years?! Ever since I went to college and stopped playing competitive soccer, it’s been disheartening trying to run at my old pace and I just kinda have given it up! I’m REALLY hoping to try to get my mojo back, though. You’ve inspired me to go out on a run tomorrow night. I’ll let you know how it goes 😉
You got this, Christine! Definitely let me know how it goes! I’m a tad jealous of the beautiful scenery you have around UCSB that you get to see when you go on runs 🙂
That’s awesome, Liv!! I admire you for not forcing yourself to run when you didn’t “feel it” and instead finding other ways to keep yourself active.
But dang, 10 miles!? What a beast. I haven’t run in a while now, but that’s expected for me. I really just run whenever I feel like it (…not often). But that’s okay. 🙂
The playlist looks rockin’! LOL at the Pitbull thing.
Hey, way to listen to your body and not force yourself to exercise in a certain way that you don’t particularly love. You stay active so many other ways!
I wonder if it’s just me who’s skeeved out by Pitbull?!
i thought the same thing about Blank Space 🙂
Right?! I’m going to text you! I want to hear about how you’re doing 🙂
I have been in one of those for a long time and I just recently got my running mojo back, but with several months of cross training it is a slow transition back into running. I’m running about 3 miles each run at a 10 minute pace, but it will pick back up soon.