Here are my answers to the questions you all submitted for me!
How tall are you?
5′ 7.”
Beach or mountains?
That’s a tough one! But if I have to pick between the two, I’ll say mountains. I love hiking, breathing in the crisp air, and exploring the little mountain towns. After lived in Orlando for three years, I got to
experience the beach a lot and love it, too.What subject are you majoring in at college and what areas do you potentially see yourself working in the future?
I’m double majoring in political science and public policy and I have a minor in public relations. I’m currently studying for the LSAT with plans to attend law school.
My “dream job” would be to be a chef and own my own restaurant that uses fresh, unprocessed ingredients, but I’ve heard so many people say that turning your hobby into your job takes the joy out of it, and I can definitely see how that could be true.
What running shoes work well for you?
My last 6 (yep, 6) pairs of running shoes have all been Adidas Energy Boosts, the cushiest and most springy shoes ever. I was so excited to find running shoes that fit really well (my #1 priority) that also happen to come in hot pink– icing on the cake! I also just got a pair of Mizuno Wave Enigmas that I’ve been enjoying, but they’re not pink, unfortunately.
Apart from Indonesia, where else have you traveled to (with family/friends)?
I feel really fortunate to have grandparents who love to travel and who have taken my siblings and me to places like Italy, France, England, Spain, Greece, Switzerland, Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Mexico, Jamaica, Monte Carlo, the Cayman Islands, and Puerto Rico (all before I started blogging).
I also went to Kenya for a monthlong missions trip a few years ago…and did an exchange program in China the summer before my first first year of college. I helped teach English classes in the mornings and I got to explore the city with just my group of three girls in the afternoons.
What healthy baking substitutions do you use?
In general, I don’t make a bunch of healthy changes to dessert recipes because I think that desserts are worth the occasional splurge, but I do have a few substitutions I like to make for other baking situations:
-For quick breads and muffins, I like to use half unsweetened applesauce and half “healthier” oil such as olive oil, grapeseed oil, naturally refined coconut oil (no coconut taste) instead of all canola oil, peanut oil, etc. Substituting in all applesauce usually results in a gummy texture, plus a little healthy fat from the oil isn’t a bad thing!
-I’ll almost always reduce the amount of sugar in a sweet recipe after the first time I make it and you really can’t tell a difference. I’ll generally cut up to 1/3 of the sugar, depending on the recipe.
-I use whole grain flour in recipes that can handle it (i.e. muffins and quick breads).
Healthy Whole Wheat Double Chocolate Zucchini Muffins
Where would you like to visit in the future and what would you most like to do in these destinations (ie. visiting specific landmarks/cultural centres, volunteering, working, running a marathon, etc.)?
I would love to visit anywhere I haven’t been! My ideal trip would include things like running, hiking, paddle boarding, kayaking, and exploring the outdoors…or in the winter, curling up in front of the fireplace with a good book.
What is your favorite book and why?
Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. It’s the story of a romance between a farmer and a former prostitute (sounds scandalous but it’s actually based on a story from the Bible!) and it’s such a beautiful picture of unconditional love.
What is your guilty pleasure TV show?
This year, my days have been more jam-packed than ever before and I typically use any free time I have to blog, which has definitely cut down on my TV watching. I’ll occasionally get to watch an episode or two of TV on the weekends, though, and my guilty pleasure is Scandal. My sister and I both love it!
Have you ever tried putting nut butter on your oatmeal? If you haven’t, it’s delicious.
Sometimes! I love the almond butter/peanut butter & banana combo.
What shampoo do you use?
I use Pureology Hydrate shampoo and conditioner and they work so well for my hair! They’re super concentrated so I just have to use a little bit each time, and I love the scent is a little bit minty, which I love.
What kind of dog is Gracie?
We’re not 100% sure. We rescued Gracie about 9 years ago when she was just 8 months old, and we were told that she’s 3/4 Pomeranian and 1/4 pug.
That’s all I have for now! Feel free to keep submitting questions–I’ll do round 2 of Q&As some soon.
I love Redeeming Love too! It’s one of those books I can read every year and not get tired of it.
Hmmm questions…Do your friends know about your blog? If so, do they read it?
Yes! Pretty much everyone in my life knows about my blog and quite a few friends do read it…or so they tell me 😉 I have a few friends who love telling new people we meet about the blog right away, too, haha!
thats so awesome that you’ve been able to travel to so many places! I went to Italy a few years ago and it was amazing but I wanna go to more places so hopefully i will be able to soon 🙂
Italy is definitely one of my favorite places I’ve been! So beautiful, especially in the countryside, and of course SO much wonderful food 🙂
Q&As are so fun! I’m actually thinking about adding a public policy or political science major to my planned economics one because I find both of those areas so fascinating. It’s so cool you’ve gotten to travel so widely! Happy weekend 🙂
So cool that you’re interested in poli sci and public policy, too! I love both of them and would definitely add one if you can 🙂
Loved reading all these Q&As Liv! You have travelled heaps, I wish you had been blogging then so I could stalk it haha. You should totally travel to australia and nz next fyi 😉 also I can sooo relate to the blogging and being a student thing!! It is so hard to juggle sometimes for me! I always enjoy hearing about your student experiences 🙂
I wish I’d been blogging back then, too, because it’s so fun to look back on all of those traveling adventures! I’m glad I have my Indonesia memories chronicled on the blog 🙂 I would LOVE to travel to Australia and New Zealand! We could eat chocolate and run together 🙂
And I can definitely relate to the student/blogging balance struggle. I love when you talk about it, too!
Loved reading this 🙂 Ok, nut butter in oatmeal is the best thing ever (funny/random question). You are so well-traveled it’s incredible!
Sharing the nut-butter-in-oatmeal joy with the world 🙂
I love this. My favorite place to go is MOUNTAINS! 🙂 I’m biased.
So envious that the mountains are practically in your backyard!
It was so great getting to know you more, Liv! Scandal is one of my favorite guilty pleasure shows also 🙂
I haven’t started the newest season yet but I’m pumped that it’s there waiting for me when I get a chance to watch it 🙂
Gracie is adorable! And so cool you have gotten to travel so much! I have gotten to way more countries than I thought possible too!
Oh, Gracie ? And traveling is the absolute best. We’re so, so fortunate to have had that opportunity!
I hope you are loving the Mizuno Wave Enigmas as much as I love mine! They are awesome!
Also, I had no idea you are studying political science! That is my minor and I love it. 🙂 Happy Friday!
I don’t think I realized you’re a poli sci girl, either! So fun 🙂
The 1T of chia seeds and 3T of water is a vegan egg substitute, not butter X-)
Oh girl, I know! Infographics probably aren’t the best source for finding healthy baking substitutes because this is where I found the 1 cup water + 3 tablespoons chia seeds as a butter substitute:
This was such a great Q&A to get to know you better! I loved everything that you had to say – especially everything that has to do with travel and going on adventures! I love adventures! I also wouldn’t be able to choose between the mountains or the beach. I love the mountains so much to do from skiing (during the winter) to hiking! However, the beach is where the warmth is 🙂
Ooh I didn’t even factor in skiing when I thinking about mountains versus the beach. I think mountains definitely win, then!
Also such a cute dog!!! I would love to have a cute, fuzzy animal to cuddle up with at night 😀
Its great to get to know you a bit more Liv and if you ever come to England again, it would be fantastic to meet you!
Public policy sounds really interesting and if you were to pursue a career down that route, I have no doubt you could make some very positive differences.
I hope you get chance to keep up the travelling 🙂 xx
Ahh I really hope I can visit England again sometime! I’d love to meet you, too!
That water in your picture is so blue- looks like somewhere i’d like to be right about now! I have never tried adidas running shoes- I have always been an asics girl, but just ordered some mizzens so hopefully I like those! i like reading Q & A from bloggers- I find it fun to get to know more random facts about you!
I’ve always been an Adidas girl but I really like my new Mizunos! Hopefully you’ll enjoy yours, too!
Love this… I totally want to do something like this on my blog!
For some reason, I thought you were way taller than 5’7”!! 🙂
your dream job = my dream job. i can be a doctor and a chef right? there ARE14 days in a week (in my world…)